– Nordbook, 2014 ISBN: 9781502366542 updated translation of Schwarzbuch WWF (German). 256 p., €19.99 (paperback), €8.99 (ebook). website: www.pandaleaks.org.
The WWF, renowned global nature conservancy brand, greenwashes the ecological crimes of corporations currently destroying the last remaining rain forests and natural habitats on earth; and it accepts their money. This business model of the famous “eco” organization does more to harm nature than to protect it.
The WWF cannot refute (…)
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Books, journals, reports, and documents
BOOK - Pandaleaks: The Dark Side of the WWF, by Wilfried Huismann
17 December 2014, by colaborador@s extern@s
BOOK REVIEW - Latin America’s Turbulent Transitions: The Future of Twenty-First-Century Socialism, by Roger Burbach, Michael Fox, and Federico Fuentes
Richard Fidler
18 May 2013, by colaborador@s extern@s– Fernwood Publishing and Zed Books, 2013 ISBN: 9781552665602 / 9781848135673 208 pages, $24.95 CAD / £16.99, $29.95.
Latin America was the first region targeted by the neoliberal phase of capitalism, and it suffered some of its worst consequences. But it is in Latin America that neoliberalism has been most contested in recent years by new social movements of landless peasants, indigenous communities and urban unemployed.
In a number of countries, this powerful democratic ferment has (…) -
Problems and Solutions in Latin America: A View from the Ground
BOOK REVIEW - Savage Capitalism and the Myth of Democracy: Latin America in the Third Millennium, by Michael HoganJohn Steven Beauchamp
20 January 2010, by colaborador@s extern@s– Bangor: Booklocker September 2009 ISBN: 160145953X 226 pages, $14.95 Paperback.
With his latest book, Savage Capitalism and the Myth of Democracy, Michael Hogan takes his place among writers and analysts, such as Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Paul Krugman, and Amy Goodman, who analyze complex political, economic, cultural, and educational issues in the Americas and around the world. They are not politicians, not supporters of any particular party or movement. They are truth tellers in the (…) -
REPORT - A Dream denied: The Criminalization of Homelessness in U.S. Cities, by National Coalition for the Homeless
15 January 2006, by Chiara Sáez Baeza
The National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) and the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (NLCHP) today released a report, A Dream Denied: The Criminalization of Homelessness in U.S. Cities, tracking a growing trend in U.S. cities - the criminalization of homelessness. The report focuses on specific city measures from 2005 that have targeted homeless persons, such as laws that make it illegal to sleep, eat, or sit in public spaces. The report includes information about 224 (…)