“From our starting point, all of us who decided to leave our places of origin have lived dark, difficult, complicated, uncertain moments, and although it was a torture to make this journey living in misery, we can say that we are survivors.” Pascal Ustin Dubuisson, Survivors: Citizens of the World
“In these times of exclusion and barbarism, where the gap of inequality and injustice has grown overwhelmingly, political and economic elites do not give up their attempts to obtain their ends (…)
Home > English > United States
United States
Violence and Cruelty as a Deterrent Strategy
UNITED STATES - Migrant Children Detained and Separated from Their Families
Guillermo Castillo Ramírez
13 December 2019, posted by Guillermo Castillo Ramírez -
UNITED STATES - Trump is Using the Mara Salvatrucha Gang to Justify Anti-Immigrant Policies
Carmen Rodriguez, Americas Program
19 March 2018, posted by Claudia Casal15 de marzo de 2018 - Americas Program - The war against Mara Salvatrucha that President Donald Trump declared even before taking office has turned into a war against Central American immigrants in general. In an effort to stain the reputation of thousands of Latinos living in the United States and justify his anti-immigrant policies, Trump is exploiting the fear that the MS generates.
Since his campaign, Trump has been promising his supporters “to destroy” the gang and deport its members, (…) -
UNITED STATES - Uber and Lyft, Driving Drivers into Poverty and Despair
Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan, Democracy Now!
20 February 2018, posted by DialFebruary 8th, 2018 - Democracy Now! - Early on Monday morning, Douglas Schifter, a career professional taxi and limo driver in New York City, made one final trip, to lower Manhattan. Several hours earlier, he posted on Facebook a condemnation of leading politicians for allowing ride-hailing companies like Uber and Lyft to gut the taxi industry in the city, forcing him and thousands of drivers into poverty. Parked in a rented black sedan at the gates of City Hall, he killed himself with a (…)
Early Dakota Access Pipeline Spill Angers Tribal Chairs
Talli Nauman, Americas Program
12 de junio de 2017, puesto en línea por Claudia Casal18 de mayo de 2017 - Americas Program - When reports surfaced that the newly finished Dakota Access Pipeline hd experienced its first crude oil spill in South Dakota even before the private project went into service, tribal chairmen were incensed.
“The Dakota Access pipeline has not yet started shipping the proposed half million barrels of oil per day and we are already seeing confirmed reports of oil spills from the pipeline,” Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chair Dave Archambault II said on (…) -
UNITED STATES - The Good Obama Leaves OfficeIlka Oliva Corado
1 February 2017, posted by Ilka Oliva CoradoQuite a few people believed that just for being black, Obama would represent a significant change in the domestic and foreign policy of the United States, but the Good Samaritan turned out to be a good for nothing black. A black attuned to the system and as Ku Klux Klan as Hillary Clinton herself and Trump.
There is no point of comparison, neither as a human being nor as a politician between him and Martin Luther King or Malcolm X, yet the good Obama as a good an opportunist as he is, uses (…) -
UNITED STATES - Trump’s Wall Against Latin AmericaIlka Oliva Corado
30 January 2017, posted by Ilka Oliva CoradoWithout going that far, the wall which Trump intends to build, will not stop the forced immigration of Latin Americans because it is due to US foreign policy and its interference in Latin America. First and foremost. The constant harassment and intrusion on the internal affairs of other countries that it regards as its own. The ruthless plunder on lands that has always violated at will.
If we specifically refer to the migration of Central Americans and Mexicans to the United States, and we (…) -
UNITED STATES - For Us, the Undocumented, Time has Come (1)Ilka Oliva Corado
23 November 2016, posted by Ilka Oliva CoradoThe migrations of Central Americans to the United States began in the 1980s, when the US intervened in Central American territory with the implementation of the Plan Condor and the dictatorships regional agendas which were referred as Internal Armed Conflict, which in Guatemala resulted in genocide and scorched earth.
At that time thousands were forced to leave Central America to save their lives and sought refuge in Mexico, and paradoxically in the United States. It was not enough with (…) -
UNITED STATES - Trump, Our Miserable ReflectionIlka Oliva Corado
15 November 2016, posted by Ilka Oliva CoradoThere is not much to analyze in the voting results. It should not surprise us that Trump won; he is a reflection of what we are as humanity: patriarchal, misogynist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, and fascist. That explains why he beat Hillary Clinton and won the election. By this I do not mean that she is a sugarplum or that I’m defending her. The United States is not prepared for a woman president, akin to capital but a woman and a Caucasian. What about a black woman who defends (…)
Capitalism against the Indigenous Peoples of the United StatesIlka Oliva Corado
10 November 2016, posted by Ilka Oliva CoradoA few weeks ago in the United States as in most Latin American countries the Columbus Day was commemorated with activities in schools and a holiday. In the United States, November is the month of Native Peoples since 1990. As the paper puts up with everything, it is said its purpose is to commemorate the contributions of Americans descendants of Indigenous Peoples.
The federal government has recognized 566 tribes and 326 indigenous reservations. Now, why do they have them living in (…) -
UNITED STATES - Trump’s Racism Reflects Our HumanityIlka Oliva Corado
1 August 2016, posted by Ilka Oliva CoradoThe Trump acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention was above all an assault to peace and democracy; it was in itself a call to violence and the continuity of racist and interventionist policies.
At the beginning of the race for the presidency many labeled him crazy as a way to discrediting him, no, the crazies are another thing. Trump is the exemplification of ultraconservative thought that governs the foundation of this country, its society and its system. Trump, all he has (…)