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UNITED STATES - Trump, Our Miserable Reflection
Ilka Oliva Corado

Tuesday 15 November 2016, posted by
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There is not much to analyze in the voting results. It should not surprise us that Trump won; he is a reflection of what we are as humanity: patriarchal, misogynist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, and fascist. That explains why he beat Hillary Clinton and won the election. By this I do not mean that she is a sugarplum or that I’m defending her. The United States is not prepared for a woman president, akin to capital but a woman and a Caucasian. What about a black woman who defends the principles of Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and Malcolm X?
The hatred was able to beat the media barrage that supported Clinton and screwed up Sanders, it stood up against capital.
Are we afraid of Trump? We shouldn’t be, he only shows what we’re made of. If we’re scared of Trump it is because we have never seen ourselves in the mirror as to who we really are. He sent to the polls the racist masses that are on every corner at every level of society, in the professions and trades. Because this election was not only the Caucasian upper class concern, even the most pariahs of the pariahs voted for Trump. Even if it hurts us! He should never have had a single vote in his favor. Blacks against blacks, and Latinos against Latinos. Poor whites against poor whites. Blacks and Latinos with a Ku Klux Klan racist mentality.
Defending subjugation, labor exploitation, hate crimes. Latinos who by having documents believe racist police will respect their lives or won’t continue to be excluded. Black people who believe that because they think like extremist Caucasians, they will be treated like them. Never! With their vote they gave power to the racist police to kill scot-free any Afro that cross in their way.
In Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and North Carolina, predominantly black states, they gave the vote to a white extremist, demonstrating that they have learned nothing at all from their history. Showing that it is a segregated and racist country.
Women voting for Trump? A man who applauds gender violence, misogyny and sexual abuse, who denies the right to abortion. Homosexuals, lower class, Muslims, Asians, giving him their support. The height of incongruity. Obviously Trump represents a change, but a change backwards.
Florida, a predominantly Latino state voted for Trump, Marco Rubio thanked the reelection and the vote that Venezuelans, Colombians, Puerto Ricans and Cubans anti-immigrants and anti-Latin America have given him. It should not surprise us at all that Trump won. Despite Clinton’s support for the military invasion in Venezuela and the continuation of the blockade against Cuba, Latinos preferred the extremist Trump. Of humanity we can expect everything, nothing should surprise us.
With Trump the United States hit the bottom; it has installed a Hitlerian fascist, and related to the Ku Klux Klan, as president of the most powerful nation of the world. There will be no human power capable of putting a halt to the Human Rights violations being carried out by the Border Patrol and which will most probably increase as of today. Regarding the massive deportations of undocumented, there will be no a great change, Clinton is the same as Trump, remember that Obama being a Democrat and promising an Immigration Reform, has been the great deporter in the history of this country. With regard to the famous wall, it was already built by Obama, and it is called the Southern Border Plan, with its extensions, the Maya-Chortí, Plan Mérida and Plan Alliance for Prosperity. In any case what Trump will do is to continue them, this in no way means reinventing the wheel.
Are we afraid of Trump? Can we now at least understand what people in Iraq, Libya Yemen, Syria and Palestine have lived through and felt? Will we be able to understand what the blockade against Cuba means? Will we be able now to see ourselves in front of a mirror, naked, as we are, like the filth of humanity that has inhabited the earth? What will we do about it? Trump is not an island, he’s part of our society, of our double standards and indifference.
Crónicas de una Inquilina
Translated by Marvin Najarro