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CISPES, Committee In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
The Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) is a grassroots solidarity organization that has been supporting the Salvadoran people’s struggle for social and economic justice since 1980. We organize strategic campaigns against US government and corporate intervention in El Salvador and accompany the Salvadoran popular movement in its work to realize an inspiring vision of participatory democracy and economic justice. Our work is coordinated through the CISPES National Office in Washington, DC, and carried out by local CISPES chapters and supporters across the country.
6 de febrero, puesto en línea por ES Team
The Santa Marta 5 faced a retrial on politically motivated charges stemming back to the civil war despite a unanimous verdict confirming their innocence in October 2024.
31 de enero, puesto en línea por ES Team
Photo: @AsambleaSV On January 29, El Salvador’s Legislative Assembly ratified a constitutional amendment allowing for the Constitution to be changed with three-quarters legislative approval, giving Nayib Bukele and his congressional supermajority free reign to change the country’s fundamental (…)
31 de enero, puesto en línea por ES Team
Photo: CISPES Despite a unanimous October ruling in their favor, five anti-mining activists from the community of Santa Marta will be back on trial on February 3. The retrial sets a dangerous precedent, allowing the Attorney General to move a case to a different jurisdiction through an appeal (…)
24 de enero, puesto en línea por ES Team
Former President Mauricio Funes, who was elected as the first president from the leftist Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) party, pased away on January 21. Below, we share a translated statement from the Popular Rebellion and Resistance Bloc (BRP), commemorating his life and (…)
16 de enero, puesto en línea por ES Team
Photo: Kitty Parra Organizations of the Popular Rebellion and Resistance Bloc (BRP), as well as the Movement of Victims of the Regime (MOVIR), marched from Cuscatlán Park to the historic downtown El Salvador on Sunday, January 12, commemorating the 33rd anniversary of the 1992 Peace Accords.