Home > English > Archives > ‘It’s for Oaxaca’ Campaign - Oaxaca Community Foundation [ENDED] > MEXICO - DONATE NOW! How to make a donation for Oaxaca Community Foundation
‘It’s for Oaxaca’ Fundraising Campaign
MEXICO - DONATE NOW! How to make a donation for Oaxaca Community Foundation
Friday 23 March 2007, posted by
All the versions of this article: [English] [Español]
Dear Friends,
If you wish to make a donation to save Oaxaca Community Foundation please use the International Community Foundation dedicated page
Once there click on the icon that says: “Make a Donation” where you will be able to enter your information and become an official donor.
You may also contact Julieta Mendez at International Community Foundation at: Julieta[AT]icfdn.org
If you prefer to mail a check write it to:
Attn: Julieta Mendez
– “It’s For Oaxaca” Campaign
– International Community Foundation
– 11300 Sorrento Valley Rd. Suite 115
– San Diego, CA 92121
If you would like to participate in helping Oaxaca Community Foundation through volunteering your time or by any other means please contact:
Michelle Ortega at : michelle at rnet.com.mx
Or contact Oaxaca Community Foundation directly at:
Oaxaca Community Foundation
– Guerrero No. 311-2
– Centro Oaxaca, Oax. 68000
– Mexico
– Telephone #: (951) 516- 8065
– From US dial: 01152+ area code+ number
Thank you!
The Mission of the Oaxaca Community Foundation:
To promote the participation of society for improving the well being and standard of living for the marginalized and vulnerable groups of the Oaxacan community, through initiatives that generate fundamental and long lasting changes.
The Mission of the International Community Foundation:
The International Community Foundation seeks to increase charitable giving and volunteerism across U.S. borders to benefit overseas communities and non-profit organizations.
Forum posts
1. MEXICO - DONATE NOW! How to make a donation for Oaxaca Community Foundation, 16 January 2010, 14:46, posted by replica handbags
El pasado jueves 10 de septiembre, FEAPS celebró un Seminario sobre el Modelo Social, que contó con la presencia de expertos que orientaron a la organización en el debate sobre el Modelo Social, con el objetivo de aprender e iniciar la reflexión sobre este asunto. El fruto de esta reflexión servirá de entrada para el Eje sobre Modelo Social y Entorno de Toledo 10.